
The Hub has five Impact Priority focus research areas operating across three thematic areas of sustainable communities, waste resources and remote and regional solutions:

  • IP1 - Sustainable people-environment interactions
  • IP2 - Reduced impact of plastics and other materials
  • IP3 - Management of hazardous waste, substances and pollutants
  • IP4 - Improved air quality, forecasting and assessment
  • IP5 - Waste impact management research

Each year the Hub develops an annual Research Plan that outlines research projects to be undertaken, and produces an Annual Report on progress that has been achieved.

When available, a public version of Research Plans will be published on our Research page, and Annual Reports will be published on our Annual Reports page.

The Hub is also guided by strategies on data management, knowledge brokering, Indigenous partnerships, and communications. These are published on our Strategies page.

SCaW Hub Organisational Chart Jan 2024

The below graphic indicates the range of stakeholders the five IP research teams work with on their various projects.

SCaW stakeholders and research themes