Impact Priority 2 - Plastic and waste materials

Research in IP2 will be guided by and inform the National Waste Policy 2018 and the National Waste Policy Action Plan, among other national priorities. We will focus on local management solutions for both waste export banned, and other problematic, wastes. 

This includes plastics, glass and paper-based waste, as well as other waste materials, including low value plastics, mixed packaging materials, soft plastics, multilayered polymers, textiles, agriculture waste and photovoltaic waste. 

Embedded in circular economy principles, IP2 research will explore product and waste recycling, reuse, repurposing, redesign and remanufacturing to increase manufacturing from recycled materials, thus boosting Australia’s manufacturing sector, jobs, and overall prosperity. IP2 is focused on delivering improved economic, social and environmental outcomes to communities.

IP2 research priorities are:

  1. reducing the impact of plastic and other material on the environment
  2. assessing the effectiveness of using recycled material in new products and buildings
  3. reducing impacts of waste fishing net on the marine environment.



IP2 plastic and waste materials is led by:

  • Laureate Prof. Veena Sahajwalla, UNSW
  • Anirban Ghose, UNSW

Details pending


