Impact Priority 5 - Waste impact management research

Research in IP5, ‘waste impact management research’, will deliver knowledge products for decision makers in policy and business and will facilitate linkages with the three other NESP hubs

The research priorities are packaged into four main areas of activities: metrics, data and indicators for sustainable materials management; codesign of projects in key target areas; economic and business models for circular economy; and identifying linkages, synergies and collaboration with the other three missions. 

IP5 priorities are:

  1. innovative methods for reuse of materials, including proof of concept demonstration
  2. identifying baseline and ongoing recycling measures in the Australian economy
  3. undertaking socio-economic analysis to assist with waste reduction and increased use of recycled materials
  4. improving material sorting and re-processing
  5. identifying options for the management and quantification of waste stockpiles.

