On 25 November, Hub Leader UNSW Prof Veena and a research stream leader will join discussions at the Circularity 2022 Conference.
Veena will join a panel discussion entitled 'Evolving and Reimagining Our Resource Recovery System' to talk about how can we transition to a more sustainable future, innovatively recycle waste, reduce environmental footprint and the role of the Hub.
The leader of the Hub's Cross-Hub Waste Initiatives research stream, CSIRO's Dr Heinz Schandl will join a panel to discuss the complexities and challenges of measuring circularity, outlining key circularity metrics that enable credible decision making for CE outcomes, and how to move beyond discussing circularity to measuring and monitoring circular outcomes.
The Circularity 2022 Conference is a new a dedicated annual circular economy conference brought to you by Planet Ark’s Australian Circular Economy Hub (ACE Hub).
Held over two days, Circularity’s program comprises of a multi-stream conference, exhibition, networking events and ACE Awards gala dinner.
Event website and Veena's panel session
Event organisers' information:
"Australia’s business leaders recognise the importance of transitioning away from our current take-make-use-dispose model but seek greater awareness of circular practices and solutions.
"With 88% of business decision makers surveyed agreeing the circular economy would be important to the future of their business. However, only 27% could correctly identify the definition of circular economy when presented with a list of options.
"To close the gap, Circularity’s multi stream conference program will consist of a range of expert-led panel discussions, interactive workshops, case study evaluations and keynote sessions covering a broad range of topics."