Podcast - nature-based health and sustainability solutions

Hub researcher Dr Emily Flies was interviewed by The Lentil Intervention, a planetary health platform promoting nature and health.

Emily is Co-lead of the Hub's Impact Priority 1 - Sustainable people-environment interactions research area, and talks about a wide variety of topics including her research for the hub.

Listen to the podcast - Hub research starts 24:45

The Lentil Intervention says:

In this episode, we discuss:

• Emily’s impressive background and a keen interest in the health benefits of nature exposure
• The profound importance of a biodiverse environment
• Biodiversity concerns in Australia and New Zealand
• Australia’s Strategy for Nature: Australia’s national biodiversity strategy and action plan
• Managing and connecting with nature in both urban and rural environments
• How and why immersing in nature supports our mental and physical health
• Biodiverse environments, the human microbiome and immune function
• Benefits of participating in ecological restoration programs
• Backyard Biodiversity: How to make your backyard more biodiverse